Discover our xenon bulbs 

Experience more light

Have you ever heard of xenon headlight bulbs? Why are xenon headlight bulbs whiter than halogen bulbs?

The xenon system consists of a light bulb, a starter and a ballast. A xenon system typically provides 3,200 lumens ± 10% and a color temperature at approximately 4,100 to 5,000 Kelvin depending on the type of light bulb. When the light is turned on, there is a strong blue light for approximately 2-5 seconds which transitions into a more white tone.

Xenon bulbs and headlights are an excellent system in terms of the amount of light. If you want to upgrade your xenon lights, you can switch to Philips Xenon X-treme Vision gen2 that provides up to +150% more vision*.

Reach out to any one of our authorized distributors, garages and retailers  for your very own Philips Xenon headlight bulbs today!

* Compared to the minimum legal standard (except for D2R that provides up to 20% more vision).

- Brilliant and powerful light projection

- Light color and intensity close to daylight

- Extra-long lifetime

- Low power consumption  

Xenon's Benefits



Ideal for replacement Enjoy your passion Experience more light

Xenon Vision

Xenon WhiteVision gen2

Xenon X-tremeVision gen2

Standard Up to 120%*
Up to 150%*
Light color
Up to 4,300 Kelvin
 Up to 5,000 Kelvin
Up to 4,800 Kelvin
Headlighting portfolio
D1S, D1R, D2S, D2R, D3S, D3R, D4S, D4R, D5S, D8S
D1S, D2S, D2R, D3S
D1S, D2S, D2R, D3S, D4S

*Compared to the minimum legal standard (except for D2R that provides up to 20% more vision)